Friday, August 19, 2011

Seek Out These Initiatives!

Don't forget your pink ribbon for breast cancer awareness!! 

 A dollar per follower for @CancerAlliance to the cancer organization with the most votes.  They are currently holding an online poll which can be found at 

Control Your Diabetes. For Life. Campaign

Increasing awareness about the importance and benefits of diabetes control is the key objective of the "Control Your Diabetes. For Life." campaign. The campaign includes tailored materials and messages for the general audience and high-risk populations. Check them out!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Think Positive. Be Positive. Become Healthy.

It has been estimated that 90% of physical issues have their roots in emotional issues. The most common negative emotional results related to cancer are unresolved anger, resentment and the refusal to forgive or accept. Negative emotional charge ironically does far damage to the mind and the body. The feeling of anger produces a clenching sensation in the body and a constrictive energy at a cellular level. Cells can only be in either contraction or growth, and emotional negativity shuts down the cell's ability to grow and thrive. This constricted posture causes the body to be much more vulnerable to disharmony and disease.

Another emotional contributor to cancer is prolonged exposure to conditions of stress and anxiety. From an article on the Alternative Cancer Care website: "Prolonged inner stress causes a chain reaction process within the body's cells that leads to the breaking of the cell's oxygen krebs cycle leading to cancer cell mutations. And it is the continued holding onto stress within the body that keeps the cancer cells alive. If you can remove the internal stress from the body, stress hormone cortisol levels and adrenaline levels will return to normal. This will restore the cell's oxygen krebs cycle, meaning normal cells will no longer mutate into cancer cells within the body.”

Look towards alternative treatments to rid yourself of negative emotions and focus on the positives in life. Some things can be overlooked in a medical diagnosis—so the more things you can do for yourself, body and mind, the better off you will be as a whole!
Something to keep in mind


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Healthy Reminder

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help prevent Type II Diabetes. If you already have diabetes, the proper nutrition and exercise can help manage the symptoms. Some cases can be controlled by these changes alone, without need for medication.

Experts estimate that between 90 and 95 percent of Type II Diabetes
could be averted simply by taking better care of our selves. Being overweight is the highest risk factor in developing this disease.

Diabetes affects the way our insulin production works. When not enough insulin is produced, the amount of glucose in the blood rises to unsafe levels. If a lot of simple carbohydrates — like sugary foods and things made with white flour — are eaten, then lots of sugar floods the bloodstream very quickly. Insulin production that is already inadequate simply can’t keep up, and blood sugar levels skyrocket. In diabetics, this can lead to unconsciousness and even seizures.

Avoiding foods high in sugar is an important first step. It’s also vital to eat more fiber, which slows down the absorption process of sugars into the blood. Eating tons of vegetables, which are naturally high in fiber and low in sugar, should be step two. Avoid or eat only in moderation those that are starchy, such as potatoes or corn, as these are higher in carbohydrates.

Keeping active is also important. Regular exercise, even something as simple as walking around the block, can lower blood sugar levels dramatically and keep them low for hours. Aerobic exercise, which increases heart rate, helps strengthen the heart muscles and improve lung efficiency. And any kind of exercise is good for reducing stress that can contribute to overall poor health.

Friday, August 5, 2011


Get on twitter. Get on Facebook. Make a blog. Be heard.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Illness does not just affect a person physically; it also takes a tremendous toll on a patient’s mental health. Many cancer patients are confused, afraid, depressed, and under an immense amount of stress. Even leading a healthy life, we all know how stressful unexpected situations can be. When a person is stressed a lot of things gets affected; their health, their functionality, their way of thinking and yes even their relationship to people around him. We cannot actually eliminate stress completely but let’s not make it as a daily part of our lives. When one gets too stressed their well-being and happiness suffers. You don’t necessarily have bottle their negative emotions, Individuals can choose to express themselves through alternative forms of health and outstanding nutrition. 
